In 2012 filmmakers, Masha Vasilkovsky and Ruah Edelstein, founded LUMEN ANIMAE, Amity of Creative Partnerships. Network of creative partnerships enables LUMEN ANIMAE to bring different art forms together, such as cinematic arts, theater, art, dance, music, and literature. The amity fosters socio-centric philosophy of sharing inspiration and knowledge with the community through film productions, master classes, and shows. An example of the amity's work is a collaboration with The Righteous Conversations Project, where together with Holocaust survivors and groups of students Lumen Animae directs animated documentaries based on the stories of survival or at times produces Public Service Announcements on issues of modern day context.


2019-present 'Coming of Age', animated documentary, Holocaust Survival story of David Weiner
2019-present ‘Chain of Rocks’, animated feature commissioned by Mooshido Productions
2019 'My Angel of God', 15min, animated documentary, Holocaust Survival story of Av Perlmutter,
2018 'Ashe 68' 7min, VR sand animation, made for US Open 2018
2018 'The Allegory of Two Caves', 4min, PSA, Jewish- Muslim Partnership of Los Angeles
2017 'Mysterium Georgicus', permanent installation, Center for Georgical Jubilism, Virginia, USA
2017 'Dieu Merci', 10min, animated documentary, Holocaust Survival story of Michele Rodri
2017 'Seder Plate', 3min, animated short made for Shalhevet School
2017 'C'est Normal’, 10min, animated documentary, Holocaust Survival story of Marie Kaufman
2016 'Peace by Piece’, 10min, cutouts, animated documentary, Holocaust Survival story of Harry Davids
2018 ‘The Promise’ 10min, animated documentary, Holocaust Survival story of Leon Malmed
2016 ‘Period’ 3min, PSA
2016 ‘Letter to the Future’ 3min, PSA
2016 ‘My Genesis’, 3min, animated short, AMAZE SexEd Series
2016 ‘Key to Mystery’, 3min, animated short, AMAZE SexEd Series
2016 ‘The Departure’, animation for live-action film by Noka Films, New York. (Art Direction, Animation Artist)
2015 ‘When Man to Man is a Wolf’ 10min, animated documentary, Holocaust Survival story of Lidia Budgor
2015 ‘The Story of Three Rings’, 8 min, animated documentary, Holocaust Survival story of Dana Schwartz
2015 ‘Tipping Scales’, 6 min, animated documentary, Holocaust Survival story of Lisa Jura
2015 ‘Rites of Passage’, feature documentary
2015 ‘Censorship’, PSA, Harvard Westlake School and Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
2015 ‘Freedom of Speech’, PSA, Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust.
2014 ‘River of Art’, feature documentary for the National TV of China
2014 ‘The Monster Within’, PSA, Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
2014 ‘My Vision’, PSA, Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust.
2014 ‘Better Place’, PSA, Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
2014 ‘Pay Attention’, PSA Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
2013 'Threepenny Opera', CalArts Theater Production, dir. Kameron Steele
2013 ‘Re-Invent Education’, PSA, Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust
2013 ‘I See You’, 7min, Shadow Puppet Theater, Dance, Music, Animation.
2013 ‘Sharing the Planet’, 3min, BIL conference 2013, Long Beach, CA, animated short made with audience.